Live Q&A: Working with Partners (In Business)
5 – 6PM
Working Partners (In Business)
Anibal A. Luque, Founder and Managing Attourney of Luque PLLC
Monday, June 6, 2022 | 5 - 6pm ET
Collaborations can be one of the most exciting parts of being a creative person, but when partnerships don’t go right, things can get terribly messy. In his videos on the AWL site, attorney Anibal Luque recommends clear and transparent communication between partners from the very beginning, when stakes are low and the relationship is strongest. But when you’re a freelancer, self-employed, or in a partnership, things don’t always go as planned, and the responsibilities can be hard to manage. It’s suddenly your job to track down overdue invoices, follow up with clients who aren’t responding, or sever a partnership that isn’t working.
This Q&A is designed to address what to do in partnership relationships, from the healthy ways to align expectations from the beginning all the way to the necessary steps to take when things aren’t going as planned. Anibal will not offer specific legal advice, but he will offer best practices and helpful resources.