PS122 Gallery presents DOUBLES MATCH: Yikui (Coy) Gu, Yin Ming Wong
2 – 6PM
Opening Reception
Sunday, February 26, 2023, 4 - 6 pm
PS122 Gallery is pleased to present Doubles Match and Transcendental Meditation, the first two winning projects of the 2023 Exhibition Open Call, selected by a three-member jury composed of artist Abigail Deville and curators Rachel Gugelberger (Wave Hill) and Sara Reisman (National Academy of Design). The exhibitions will be on view from February 25 – March 19, 2023.
PS122 Gallery’s 2023 Exhibition Open Call marks the revival of the program—held annually since the 1986-87 season—that helped to define PS122 Gallery’s long history. This organization gave first exhibitions to artists such as Peter Halley, Keith Haring, and Amy Sillman, among many others; and exhibited hundreds more artists throughout the years.
Doubles Match is an exhibition of recent paintings by Yikui (Coy) Gu and Yin Ming Wong. Both artists center their Asian American identities at the forefront of their work, using it as a catalyst to explore social-political issues within American society. As first-generation immigrants or the child of immigrants, their works explore interracial dynamics, code-switching, cultural heritage, and what it means to be American today. Both artists grew up in communities where they were often the only person of Asian descent, surrounded by Whiteness, which necessitated a performative aspect to their upbringings. Their works embrace a whimsical nature, collapsing a conventional pictorial space, at times both accepting and rejecting traditional Western modes of representation.