
Mirror Mirror: Entertainment Media and its Impact on Asian American Women

Saturday, December 14, 2019
3 – 5PM
Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.
- Oscar Wilde
A diversity expert is given the opportunity of her life when she’s hired to clean up a company rife with harassment – only to discover that instead of her bringing them up, she’s being dragged down into their corporate muck. It’s a story of ideals vs. ambition and the intriguing question of whether an Erin Brokovich would be able to tame a Wolf of Wall Street or perhaps become one, herself.
Come join the Film Lab at the International Human Rights Festival on Saturday, December 14, at 3pm for a screening of this special pilot, followed by a provocative talkback on the role of gender and race in entertainment by panelists from the Geena Davis Institute (Mary Ellen Holden), Film Lab (Jennifer Betit Yen and Cheryl Davis), NYC Commission on Human Rights (Franck Joseph II), and grassroots activist Tamar Lopez. Moderated by award-winning filmmaker Melissa Skirboll.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Wild Project Theater, 195 E. 3rd Street, NYC
Discount Code for 50% off: STUDENT at

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