Hope Against Hate Campaign Safety Training - In Person, Mandarin Interpretation
Sunday, July 24, 2022
1:30 – 3:30PM
1:30 – 3:30PM
Immigrant Social Services presents free two-hour in-language safety training as a part of the Hope Against Hate Campaign, sponsored by Asian American Federation and facilitated by Nonviolent Peaceforce. Sharing the holistic tools and skills that human rights defenders use to keep themselves and their communities safe, the training teaches us what to do and say when we are in danger. In the “Situational Awareness” portion, we figure out the edges of our comfort zone with a holistic self-check-in. In doing so, we can stay grounded in assessing our environment and taking measured steps. When something out of the norm is happening, this check-in allows us to have the wherewithal to create the pause needed to escape or reach for external support. These strategies are explored in the “Verbal De-escalation” and the “Bystander Intervention” portion. Participants will receive light snacks and a free safety kit at the training!