Panel Discussion/Talk

Bandung Community Conversation: Echo Chambers

Thursday, September 19, 2024
6:30 – 7:30PM

A4 and MoCADA present Bandung Community Conversation: Echo Chambers with Mohiba Ahmed, a dedicated community organizer at DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving). Ahmed brings extensive experience from grassroots feminist movements and student rights organizations in Pakistan and is a founding member of the Progressive Students’ Collective and Haqooq-e-Khalq Party Pakistan.

DRUM, a multigenerational organization led by low-wage South Asian and Indo-Caribbean immigrants, workers, and youth in New York City, has been at the forefront of social and policy change since 2000. By mobilizing thousands of low-income community members, DRUM addresses immigrant rights, education reform, civil rights, and worker justice. Ahmed’s work with DRUM includes base building, leadership development, campaign strategy, and coalition-building.

Join us for an insightful conversation as we explore the stepping outside of echo chambers and the power of community organizing.

The talk will be livestreamed on the MoCADA website.
This event is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.

If you have any questions or accessibility needs, please email

This event will be recorded and uploaded to A4/MoCADA YouTube after it concludes.

About the Bandung Residency
The residency is named for the groundbreaking 1955 summit held in Bandung, Indonesia, bringing together leaders from 29 newly independent Asian and African states emerging from colonial rule, with the aim of ending racial discrimination and ensuring collaboration and a peaceful coexistence. This Residency is made possible through the NYS AAPI Community Fund, Ford Foundation, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, and Apicha Community Health Center.

About Mohiba Ahmed
Mohiba Ahmed is a community organizer at DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving) and has been organizing Pakistani and South Asian working class communities in New York City since 2022.
Prior to her work in NYC, Mohiba’s leadership was pivotal in the foundation of a historic student collective in Lahore, Pakistan, and she served as a spokesperson of a nationwide student mass movement, emerging at the back of decades of state suppression of student and worker unions. She is one of the founders of Pakistan’s Haqooq-e-Khalq (People’s Rights) Party and Progressive Students Collective.

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