
Movement Research's Artist-in-Residence Program

Asian American Arts Alliance (A4)

150 First Avenue, 1st Floor Studios & 2nd Floor Office
New York, NY 10009


Apr 20, 2022


Apr 01, 2022

What is the Movement Research Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program?
A two-year residency program providing commissioning support, rehearsal space, performance and related opportunities designed to support the individualized creative process of movement-based artists.

Six (6) artists will be selected to participate in the 2022 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence program via this application process. Applications will be reviewed and selected through a peer artist review process. Artists selected through the panel review process will receive commissioning funds supported through The Jerome Foundation.

Through the Artist-in-Residence Program, Movement Research supports rigorous and wide-ranging artistic investigations that are movement-based, but that may incorporate other disciplines and collaborations, with a focus on experimentation. Artists who reflect a range of directions and approaches to making work such that there is an interesting confluence of artistic ideas being explored over the course of the coming years.

Movement Research continuously seeks to engage a more diverse and inclusive participant body and strives to recognize individuality and create equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, class, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexuality, immigration status or age. MR is committed to maintaining a strong connection to an existing diverse community of experimental artists and audiences, while at the same time expanding its definition of experimentation to more broadly include working within and pushing the boundaries of all movement-based forms. Movement Research recognizes the incredible need to diversify the range of aesthetics, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds represented on NYC stages and strongly encourages applications from individuals aligned with this vision.


Artists must apply as individuals. Movement-based artists who are working collaboratively in an ongoing collaborative or collective structure should contact for eligibility consideration as a collaborative team on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants must be residents of New York City. Resident means that your permanent mailing address is in New York City/one of the 5 Boroughs and have been a resident for at least one year prior to applying for the program.

Applicants must identify as an early career artist as defined byThe Jerome Foundation:
“Eligible applicants must be considered to be early career – artists with some track record of creating and presenting full work (not beginning artists), and artists who are NOT at a point in their careers where they receive consistent development and production opportunities and significant recognition, awards, and acclaim (not mid-career or established artists).

The Jerome Foundation’s criteria for eligible artists is as follows:

  • are in the early stages of their creative development
  • have a focused direction and are actively creating new work in their chosen artistic discipline(s)
  • have yet to be substantially celebrated within their field, the media, funding circles or the public at large
  • are vocational (as opposed to avocational, academic, amateur or educational) artists
  • are not participating in any degree-granting programs (K-12, undergraduate, graduate) in any field”

For further information on the definition of an early career artist, visit >>The Jerome Foundation website<<

Applicants MUST NOT be enrolled full-time in a school or university program during the residency period.

Past Movement Research Artists-in-Residence must wait three years from the completion of their residency before reapplying. Artists-in-Residence accepted for the two-year residency in 2017 or earlier are eligible for the 2022 application cycle.

Application Instructions

Please note that at Movement Research, we collect and review submissions via Submittable. The first step of the submission process is to create a Submittable account, or sign into your existing account. When creating an account, you will be asked for your name, your email address, and a password of your choosing.

Individuals for whom access to an internet or wifi enabled device and/or a reliable Internet connection should contact Movement Research at (212) 598-0551 (voice only) for guidance.

For accessibility purposes, the application can be sent as an attachment by email. Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf. To receive the full list of application questions, send an email to Please note that the deadline for submitting the application as an attachment is the same as the deadline for submitting your application.