
Creatives Rebuild New York

Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY)

New York, NY N/A


Mar 25, 2022


Feb 14, 2022

Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY) is a three-year, $125 million initiative that provides guaranteed income and employment opportunities to artists across New York State. CRNY believes that artists are workers who deserve equitable, sustainable support structures, and that improving the lives of artists is paramount to the vitality of New York State’s collective social and economic wellbeing.

CRNY will provide support to New York State artists through two funding opportunities: Guaranteed Income for Artists and the Artist Employment Program. We recognize the enormous need many artists face, and we trust artists to deeply consider which of the two programs is best for their specific needs.

Guaranteed Income for Artists (GI) will support 2,400 New York State artists with monthly, $1,000, no-strings-attached cash payments for 18 consecutive months; and the Artist Employment Program (AEP) will fund employment for 300 artists working in collaboration with community-based organizations across the State for 2 years. Participating AEP artists will receive a salary of $65,000 per year—plus benefits and dedicated time to focus on their artistic practice. These programs and funding will be dedicated solely to artists whose primary residence is in New York State.

Learn more HERE.

Apply HERE.




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