
TMT Institute Fellowship

Target Margin Theater

232 52nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11220


Aug 09, 2024


Jul 17, 2024

The TMT Institute is a cohort of artists who seek to radically disrupt and re-examine their existing practice without any goal or expected result.  

Each Fellow’s journey is individual. Fellows create their own course as they reinvent, question, and challenge their artistic practice. TMT supports fellows with space, material resources and a $2,000 stipend.  

The Institute gathers for three short intensive sessions to help each Fellow advance this process. In between intensive meetings, they meet monthly for breakfast and go on occasional excursions to keep their conversation growing. After the second intensive, each Fellow is encouraged to define and commit to an exploration that they can pursue outside of group gatherings. Target Margin supports these experiments with resources: space, collaborators, materials, etc. Fellows share their progress and evolution through the duration of the Institute. At the end of the season, TMT hosts an “Open Studio” to invite their community of artists and neighbors to share in what they have been exploring. This is not a performance; it can be a conversation, notes, a demonstration, or simply the Fellow’s presence to discuss their work with anyone interested. 


The Institute is open to artists from any artistic discipline within or outside of theater, and is also open to production, technical, and administrative workers in the arts. Fellows must have an established, existing practice in the arts which they are committed to changing.

Please do not apply to the Institute with a project. This is not a project development workshop. There is no public deliverable or timeline to meet. 

Appropriate candidates have already created a body of work in their field. The Institute is for artists with an established practice to set that aside and launch in new directions: directors may become installation artists; performers might work with design; producers can pursue ceramics. they aspire to abandon received assumptions about theater, so individuals can create new ways of working from the ground up.

Fellows must be available in person for the following dates in Brooklyn NY: 
* Intensive Sessions at Target Margin Theater 
* November 7, 8, 9, 10: all day with some evening hours 
* February 7, 8, 9: all day with some evening hours 
* April 25, 26, 27: all day with some evening hours 
* On the first Monday of the month Fellows meet for breakfast at Junior’s in Brooklyn to share thoughts, questions, and experience. Their first breakfast will be Monday November 4th. 

From time to time, they organize excursions to performances, artistic, or other cultural events to feed their thinking.  As the year proceeds, Fellows schedule their own explorations or experiments which Target Margin will support. 

Application Instructions

To submit an application, please fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/9qcQyGRk4vZxKvTe7 by Friday, August 9th 11:59pm EST with the following information:   

  • Your CV or Bio or both or neither; use whatever tells us your background, education and experience. Something about your work. This can be a link to pictures, text, videos, recordings, verbal descriptions, actual objects (which you would have to send to their address). Please do not include reviews or features in the press. Let us know if you have live work to be viewed currently; they want to be there if they can. 
  • Brief (one paragraph) Responses to the following Questions: 
  • What has your artistic practice been up to this point?
  • They seek Fellows who are at a moment in their trajectory that is unique and demands change. Why is this the right time for you to radically disrupt and change your practice? How are you at such a moment?
  • The Institute is about new thinking. What are some questions about your creative process that you would bring in to ask on the first day of the Institute? What are new directions you could go in? These could be about your own work, about making work generally, about other’s work, or anything in the universe that might shape your work in new ways. Note: these are not ideas you have to commit to for the coming Fellowship year; they just want your thinking and possibilities at this moment. 
  • Tell us about an artistic experience that has been important to you that is completely unrelated to your own practice or creative products. 
  • Tell us a surprising thing you have noticed in the last week. 

Related Opportunities

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