
The Red String: Uniting Communities

Saturday, October 1, 2022
6 – 8PM

“The Red String: Uniting Communities” is a public art project featuring augmented reality art and traditional Chinese opera performance in public parks. It aims at connecting Asian immigrant enclaves with the broader society of New York, highlighting Chinese American cultural heritages, and bringing healing to the Asian immigrant community afflicted by the pandemic and its subsequent anti-Asian sentiment. The exhibition will take place at Bowne Playground in Flushing Chinatown and Columbus Park in Manhattan’s Chinatown from October 1 to December 19, 2022.

In the Opening Ceremony on October 1, 2022, the Chinese American artist duo Lily & Honglei will give a demonstration of augmented reality art on smartphones. The audience will be encouraged to participate in the socially-engaged art project: you can become a co-creator of The Red String by creating a postcard addressing a fellow New Yorker!

Responding to the public art visually and spiritually, a Flushing-based traditional opera group, Kunqu Society of New York, is performing an excerpt of The Peony Pavilion, the celebrated classic Chinese opera written by Tang Xianzu in 1598.

“The Red String: Uniting Communities” was created by Lily Honglei Art Studio, commissioned and produced by public art organization More Art. For more information, visit the project website.

《紅線》是一個以增強現實藝術和戲曲表演為特色的公園公共藝術項目。它旨在將亞洲移民飛地與更廣泛的紐約社會聯繫起來,並突出華裔移民的文化遺產。展覽將於 2022 年 10 月 1 日至 12 月 19 日在法拉盛唐人街的BOWNE PLAYGROUND 和曼哈頓唐人街的哥倫佈公園舉行。

在 2022 年 10 月 1 日的開幕式上,美籍華裔藝術家二人組 Lily & Honglei 將在智能手機上演示增強現實藝術。他們鼓勵觀眾參與藝術項目:您可以通過製作一張寫給紐約同胞的明信片,成為《紅線》的共同創作者!

在視覺和精神上回應《紅線》公共藝術,總部位於法拉盛的“紐約崑曲社”将为观众演出唐顯祖於 1598 年創作的著名中國經典歌劇《牡丹亭》的節選。
《紅線:團結社區》由 Lily & Honglei 藝術工作室創作,公共藝術機構More Art委託製作。欲了解更多信息,請訪問項目網站。

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