
Navatman's Mahabharata Film

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Navatman’s largest project of the decade - a 2 hour dance theater feature film retelling the largest epic in the world, The Mahabharata. The film is the first of a three part series, combining Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Carnatic & Hindustani music, and uses spoken word in English combined with theater storytelling traditions from India. It will be streamed online.

This film is:

  • the first feature film told from the narrative of Indian classical dance and music traditions

  • the first American/Indian diaspora film interpretation of the Mahabharata

  • the first feature film of the Mahabharata written solely by female scriptwriters

  • a feature film that switches gender roles as actors and actresses

This film is our way to create impact in the world around us: a story that is driven by sounds and images that are not an attempt to assimilate, a story driven to help create cultural understanding for the next generation of South Asians.

November 20th release: $75 (Only 50 left at this price!)
December 20th release: $49.99 (only 21 left at this price!)