Panel Discussion/Talk

Inside the Cutting Room 2: "When Home is Elsewhere" Film by Alvin Tsang

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
7 – 8PM

In this second insider look at his making of WHEN HOME IS ELSEWHERE, documentary filmmaker Alvin Tsang will discuss with co-producer Siyan Wong about his artistic practice - his creative inspirations and approaches, and how tapping into personal memories and feelings is central to creating meaningful and lasting work. Tsang will also update the audience on new developments and share several new clips from this work-in-progress that reflects on his father’s life experiences as an orphan, a war refugee, a divorcee of several failed marriages, a father, a human being.

WHEN HOME IS ELSEWHERE is a sponsored project of the New York Foundation for the Arts and is supported by Queens Council on the Arts.

INSIDE THE CUTTING ROOM 2 is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Film Description
WHEN HOME IS ELSEWHERE is a sequel inspired by Alvin Tsang’s previous personal feature documentary, REUNIFICATION (2015). While REUNIFICATION reflects on the circumstances surrounding Tsang’s family’s migration from Hong Kong to Los Angeles in the 1980s and his parents’ divorce, WHEN HOME IS ELSEWHERE explores the idea of home and the anxiety of not having yet “found home” through Tsang’s father’s life experiences - a pre-teen orphan, a refugee from Vietnam who escaped to Hong Kong, a traumatized immigrant who moved his family to the United States, a divorcee of several failed marriages, a father.

FB/IG: @whenhomeiselsewhere @alvinwtsang

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