Exceptional Japanese Houses: Residential Design from 1945 to the Present
6:30 – 8:30PM
Imagine a tower-like dwelling made of tiny, triangular rooms stacked one above another—or a home with 18 rooms, each barely bigger than the furniture it holds. Since the end of World War II, Japanese architects have produced some of the most exceptional homes in the world. The Japanese House Since 1945, a new book by architect Naomi Pollock, presents the most compelling examples of these exceptional homes and highlights key developments in form, organization, material, architectural expression and family living for over eight decades. At this talk, the author will discuss a selection of the homes featured in her book. Moderated by Yoko Kawai, lecturer at Yale School of Architecture and co-founder of Mirai Work Space. Followed by a book sale and signing.
Photograph by: Shinjiro Yamada