Community Event

Earth Day Community Garden Tour and Snack with Marcia Denson

Saturday, April 22, 2023
12 – 1PM

In the spirit of EFA Project Space’s broader thematic program that seeks projects which bring audiences beyond contemporary art and gallery contexts, their current exhibition curated by Emily Alesandrini and Danni Shen Eating: Otherness hosts several interdisciplinary public programs in collaboration with New York-based, food justice-centered organizations, with the goal of deeper knowledge sharing and cross-pollination between various (including art) communities.

The Phoenix Community Garden in Ocean Hill-Brownsville, Brooklyn grows nearly 2,000 pounds of beans, corn, collards, bitter melon, tomatoes, zucchini, herbs and callaloo to feed the neighborhood. The Garden provides fresh food, green space, and community to folks in Ocean Hill-Brownsville.

Image: Ilana Yacine Harris-Babou, Leaf of Life, 2022, one-channel HD video, color, sound with wallpaper, 17:41 min. Courtesy the artist.