25 Years After the Hong Kong Handover: NYC Chinese American Artists Respond in Images, Words & Music
7 – 9PM
In this year, the 25th Anniversary year of the “Hong Kong Handover” from Great Britain back to China, NYC Chinese American artists will gather to explore Hong Kong’s relationship with and impact on NYC’s Chinese American community through images, words and music. The goal is to create a space to share and process personal experience as well as the historic precedents that planted the seeds of anti-Asian American laws and biases that have been festering in this country since Asians first arrived.
Artist Presentations from: Chen Yi & Zhou Long (symphonic composition via video); Alvin Eng (memoirist/acoustic punk raconteur); Nina Kuo (painting); Lorin Roser (video art/installation); Xu Xi (novelist/essayist, longtime HK chronicler) and Sammy Yuen (artist/illustrator);
Curated and Hosted by playwright/memoirist Alvin Eng
Panel Discussion moderated by Joanna C. Lee
Free Event~Please email sage@churchstreetschool.org to RSVP!
This is an LMCC Creative Engagement event.