Call for Submissions

Summer call for work: Write for Apianionated

Shannon Hong





Jun 28, 2023

The APIA-nionated column features writers and artists whose work engages with issues and media relevant to the Asian and Pacific Islander diaspora in America. In the larger framework of Anomaly, we seek to publish works that challenge conventions of form and format, of voice and genre. For this column, we seek critical essays on contemporary APIA art (e.g. book reviews, media representation, interviews, etc) and personal essays relevant to a quarterly theme.

Summer Call for Pitches on personal essays exploring ritual, lore, and myth in your life. Where have your personal experiences intersected with the great mythologies of your culture? What stories of your grandparents’ lives, their personal myths, have brought you to unknown lands, almost too unimaginable to be real? How does the practice of tradition and ritual bring you to reflect on your connection with ancestors?

We are always interested in critical essay pitches. Send them our way!
