Call for Submissions

My Viet Story Slam Storytellers

Vietnamese Boat People



Apr 22, 2024


Apr 14, 2024

5th Annual My Viet Story Slam wants to feature your story! They invite you to submit a short story in 3 minutes or less. This year’s theme is “My Vietnam, Your Vietnam.” Storytellers should articulate your unique connection with Vietnam—whether born there, departed early, or returned by choice. What does Vietnam mean to you? How does it resonate within your family? Tell us about the common threads or diverse range of emotions.

Hosted by Vietnamese Boat People podcast, this year’s theme inspired by the dual memoir, written by Christina Vo and her father, Nghia M. Vo, MY VIETNAM, YOUR VIETNAM delves into themes of identity and heritage, with intertwined stories that present a multifaceted portrayal of Vietnam and its profound influence on shaping both familial bonds and individual identities across time.


Participants can submit a video (no longer than three minutes), that tells a story. Storytellers can share their stories using their preferred medium and format such as monologues, theatrical performances, music, art, or poetry. Five Storytellers will be invited to share their videos in a live-stream virtual event hosted by Vietnamese Boat People on May 15, 2024. Each selected storyteller will have their submission videos stream globally during the event and an opportunity to share their background, story and inspirations behind the piece.

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