
Emergency Grants

Foundation for Contemporary Arts Support





Jan 21, 2025

Each month FCA receives an average of 100 Emergency Grant applications and makes approximately 12-21 grants. Grants range in amount from $500 to $3,000, and the average grant is now $1,900.

Created in 1993 to further FCA’s mission to encourage, sponsor, and promote work of a contemporary, experimental nature, Emergency Grants provide urgent funding for visual and performing artists who:

  • Have sudden, unanticipated opportunities to present their work to the public when there is insufficient time to seek other sources of funding
  • Incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completion with committed exhibition or performance dates

Emergency Grants is the only active, multi-disciplinary program that offers immediate, project-based assistance of this kind to artists living and working anywhere in the United States, for projects occurring in the U.S. and abroad.


  • Applicants must be living in the United States or U.S. territories and have a U.S. Tax ID Number (SSN, EIN, ITIN, or other)
  • Applicants must have committed performance or exhibition opportunities, and be able to provide specific dates at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be individual artists, or an individual representing an artist collective, ensemble, or group. Curators, producers, workshop organizers, organizations, or arts presenters are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants may not reapply for a project for which they have previously been denied funding.
  • There is a three-year (36-month) waiting period between grants. Emergency Grants and Grants to Artists recipients must wait three years from the time of their grant before applying for an Emergency Grant.
  • If you were a lead artist on a project that received an Emergency Grant in the last three years, or if a primary collaborator on your current project received a Grants to Artists award or an Emergency Grant in the last three years, you are not eligible to apply.

Application Instructions

Apply online