Call for Submissions

Call for Papers: Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI) Conference

Asian American / Asian Research Institute at The City University of New York

25 W. 43rd Street, Suite 1000
New York, NY 10036


Feb 24, 2023


Feb 10, 2023

the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI) is hosting a day-long symposium on Friday, May 12, 2023, at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), to reflect upon the histories of this work, build connection and community, and collectively vision the future possibilities and directions for Asian American studies at the City University of New York. We invite students, scholars, and/or practitioners to share their innovative research and creative works, pedagogical projects, programmatic efforts, models for organizing and activism, and other activities at CUNY that address critical issues in Asian American studies and/or communities.

Proposals can take the form of individual presentations, themed panels, roundtable discussions, workshops, or other formats. Each session will be limited to one hour; individual paper presentations will be limited to fifteen minutes. Submissions can include, but are not limited to:
* Current research/scholarship and creative work in Asian American studies
* CUNY’s relationship to Asian American studies as an academic endeavor: courses, programs, departments and student-led organizing towards these efforts in the past, present, or future
* Teaching and learning of Asian American studies, including pedagogical workshops
* Campus-based activities that engage Asian American studies beyond the classroom
* Issues and needs that concern AAPI CUNY members and communities beyond the university