Bayard Rustin Residency at the Penington Friends House
Penington Friends House
215 E 15th Street
New York City, NY 10003
Please note that the types of projects we are interested in far exceed the limited list above. Please see information in link for a fuller explanation.
The Bayard Rustin Resident will be give up to one year of free room and board at the Penington Friends House which is collaborative living house on Manhattan Island in New York City. A non-profit run by the Society of Friends (Quakers) since 1897, the house exists to see what love can do in building community and of being of service to others. Only 20% of the residents are Quaker but everyone strives to live by the Quaker values of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship.
The 26 residents have their own private bedrooms and share communal spaces like a parlor, dining room and kitchen and many outside spaces. The residents and live in staff eat together enjoying chef prepared meals Sunday through Thursdays. They also share in household chores ( 1.5 hours of work a week) and make collaborative decisions together. The Bayard Rustin resident will participate in the life of the house, and will share the progress of their work with the wider Quaker Community through out the year. Progress will be measured through regular meetings with the Residency Manager. Success of the residency is measured in both how the resident grows and becomes part of the community and how the move their project forward during the year.