Call for Submissions

Asian American Film Thing (5th anniversary!)

Asian American Film Thing

Brooklyn, NY 11217


Mar 04, 2022


Feb 03, 2022

It is the 5th anniversary of ASIAN AMERICAN FILM THING!
From humble beginnings in Videology to a super bash at Littlefield!

Please submit your films if you would like to be part of this event.
DEADLINE to submit: 03/04/22 11:59pm

Films need to be made by Asian- American filmmakers (creator, director, writer)!

We accept work in progresses! We just want you to show off your stuff!
Please do not submit if you are not a AAPI filmmaker!
You can submit even if you are not a NYC local but we tend to screen NYC locals to present their work at the event.

Join the FB group!

Email Angel for any additional questions:

Takes place:

ASIAN AMERICAN FILM THING is a celebration of Asian- American filmmakers by screening their shorts (Films! Not Pants!)

There will be an array of narrative fiction, docs, animations, music videos, comedy sketches, experimental films, and more. The mission of this event is to have a safe space for AAPI filmmakers to voice their stories (so some of these films might be work in progress!) Exciting! We want to focus on shorts that show Asian- Americans as the main characters, as the voice, as someone that Hollywood usually never portrays us in.

You will also get to hear what the filmmakers have to say about their work. AND, there will be several musical and performance treats at the end of the screening!

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