$250 Milk and Eggs (Cost of Living Grant) Grant
The United States Social Security Administration has predicted an 8.7% increase in the cost of living for 2023. Anyone who has gone grocery shopping or paid an energy bill has felt that. Unfortunately wages aren’t following at the same pace. In an effort to respond to the evolving world and our communities’ need for individual support, IndieSpace has opened an emergency Milk and Eggs (Cost of Living) Grant that will be awarding 40 individuals $250 micro grants for indie theater makers to use toward things like groceries, housing, or any bills that have increased over the last year. This number is based on approximately 2 months of the increase of Social Security benefits for individuals.
They have allocated $10,000 from IndieSpace’s Responsive Fund to get us started. As of right now, this will be a one time grant. They will hold one lottery and give out all 40 grants at the same time.
This application is open to any NYC-based Indie theater artist in need of funds to offset the increases in cost of living. Anyone and everyone is welcome to apply, but funds will be prioritized to BIPOC, Trans/Non-Binary, Disabled/Deaf, and Immigrant artists.Application Instructions
To apply for funds, please complete the application below. This application should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. If you have any questions about the application or need assistance completing the application via phone or Zoom, please reach out to our Programs Manager at veshonte@indiespace.org
Lottery Process
Applications will be accepted until March 10. You will receive a notification of your application status by March 13. Eligible applicants will then be entered into a lottery, with priority* being given to BIPOC, Trans/Non-Binary, Disabled/Deaf, and Immigrant artists. $10,000 will be given out during this lottery.
Please note that if you are an individual who has already received funding from us in 2023, you will be prompted to upload a W-9 into your application in order to receive funds again. If you need a blank copy of a W-9, you can download one here.
We will be using the Random Picker software to run our grant lotteries. Screen recordings of each lottery will be made and are available to review by request.
Priority is given via a weighted lottery system in which all applicants who identify as BIPOC, Trans/Non-Binary, Disabled/Deaf, and/or Immigrant artists will be given a weight of 2. All other applicants will receive a weight of 1.
We also ask applicants to rate the urgency of need for this grant. We MAY use this information to increase applicants’ weight in the lottery. IF that is the case, the highest lottery weight will be 3.