Call for Submissions

2023 Asphalt Activations


New York, NY 10041


Feb 01, 2023


Jan 11, 2023

All designs must be implemented using exterior grade enamel or a similar material that meets NYC DOT requirements. A primer is recommended prior to painting the design on-site. Final clear coats will generally not receive approval from NYC DOT as removal is problematic upon completion of the display period. Artists are required to submit a materials list for approval by DOT Art in advance of purchasing. In addition, selected Artists must prepare a detailed implementation plan including a proposed schedule for review and approval by DOT Art.

The DOT Art Advisory Committee and NYC DOT staff shall review and identify Artists to be included in an Artist Registry based on the following criteria:
• Past artwork demonstrates proficiency in design and ability to translate the design; and
• Previous experience demonstrates ability to collaborate with a large agency on a public project.

As a Project Site becomes available, DOT Art shall review the Artist Registry and invite two (2) of the ranked Artists to participate in a phone interview to discuss the potential Project Site and run through a short question and answer segment to better acquaint the agency with the Artists’ past work and artistic process. Final selection shall be based on both the written response to the RFQ and the phone interview.

The DOT Art Committee shall assign each selected Artist to a Project Site. Upon selection, each Artist shall develop a siteresponsive design for implementation at a designated Project Site within a minimum of two months of notification. As additional Project Sites become available throughout the year, DOT Art will review the Artist Registry and contact ranked Artists to respond to these opportunities.

DOT Art will provide selected Artists with up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) towards direct project costs associated with designing, installing and removing the Artwork including but not limited to all labor, paint, materials and equipment. In addition, studio space, storage rental, sink rental, etc. must be included as part of the overall budget. All selected Artists are entitled to an Artist Fee not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total budget, but may also be entitled to an hourly labor fee not to exceed an additional ten percent (10%) of that total budget. All Artists will be required to enter into a legal agreement with NYC DOT, and in order to receive payment, will be required to submit a W9 form, Doing Business Form, Quote Form and invoices. The legal agreement must be signed in advance of receiving any payments. Selected Artists shall agree to extend to NYC DOT the right to a royalty-free, perpetual license to use any depiction of the Artwork for noncommercial purposes.

Application Instructions

Interested Artists are invited to submit a single application, and Artists are only eligible to receive one commission per fiscal year. Submissions should consist of the following materials either by e-mail as PDF or JPEG files or by mail as printouts with an accompanying USB drive:

• Asphalt Art Activations Application Form;
• Artist curriculum vitae; and
• No more than four (4) photographs of past artwork in JPEG format (resolution of 72 to 150 dpi) and an associated image list
that includes: title, date of completion, medium, dimensions, location, sale price or commission budget, description of
artwork, and list of partners.
Submitted materials will not be returned and incomplete applications will not be considered.

Submissions must be postmarked or submitted via email no later than Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST.
Hand-delivered proposals will not be accepted.

All submissions should be emailed to or mailed to:
NYC Department of Transportation
Art Program
55 Water Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10041