What Can We Do? Information Session
12 – 1PM
What Can We Do? (WCWD?), presented by the Asian American Arts Alliance (A4), is an artist grant opportunity for artists looking to support the AAPI community in NYC with engaging, creative projects rooted in care.
A4’s Programs Director, Justine Lee, will present a pre-submission information session via Zoom to discuss the opportunity and review the guidelines and best practices for applying. We’ll also have time for Q&A.
Click here to enter the Zoom meeting. The room will open when the event begins.
For this program, 18 NYC-based artists will be selected as project awardees by the A4 Staff. Each artist will receive $1,500 to create and carry out ideas to engage, aid, and care for the Asian New Yorker community with a focus on Chinatown, Manhattan; Flushing, Queens; and Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The project engagements must be completed within a four-month period (February 1–June 2, 2024).
The application deadline is January 7, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET. For more information about the program and to apply, please click HERE.
Accessibility: We will make closed captioning available. The session will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. If you need ASL interpretation, large print, language translation or any other accommodations for this event, please email jlee@aaartsalliance.org at least one week before the event.
About A4
Asian American Arts Alliance (A4) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring greater representation, equity, and opportunities for Asian American artists and cultural organizations through resource sharing, promotion, and community building. Since 1983, A4 has sought to unify, promote, and represent the artistic and cultural producers of one of New York City’s fastest-growing populations. We are a diverse alliance of artists, organizations, and arts supporters who believe that working together as a pan-ethnic, multidisciplinary community is essential to nurturing the development of artists and arts groups. A4 serves as a thoughtful convener of the Asian American cultural workforce around issues of race, identity, and artmaking and provides a critical voice for this community. We are the only service organization in the country dedicated to the professional development of Asian American and Pacific Islander artists in all disciplines.
Online, Zoom