
The Layered Body: Movement and Self-Audio Description that De-Centers Sight

Thursday, August 31, 2023
4 – 6PM

For Queens dancers and movement educators who want to learn from blind ballet dancer and educator Krishna Washburn, who teaches various workshops on the artistic practice of audio description of dance movement for dancers and audio describers. Please join Queensboro Dance Festival in this workshop Krishna is specially preparing for the group. It offers a new perspective when considering creating work for blind and visually impaired dancers or audiences!

This workshop will be in-person for us dancer attendees while Krishna will lead the workshop via Zoom, projected in the theater where we will be practicing. Krishna’s collaborator will also be on the Zoom as the audio describer for the class.

This workshop is presented in partnership with Flushing Town Hall.

The Layered Body: Self-Audio Description that De-Centers Sight

Audio description for dance has, for too long, stayed deliberately superficial and visual in its descriptions of movement performance. In this workshop, participants will cultivate the somatic skills and body awareness to describe how the body feels in movement, rather than how it looks, de-centering sight and rooting itself in visceral language.

Please RSVP for an email reminder.

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