
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) for the Artist Workshop

May 13 – May 20, 2023

Led by Kayla Kim Votapek (, Seoulful Productions’ EDI for the Artist Workshop (virtual) will explore the artist’s identity and their anti-racism values through their theatrical practice.

This course offers the artists the opportunity to learn about different aspects of individual’s identity, how to best advocate for themselves, and hold themselves accountable when harm occurs.

The course outcome is for artists to have a better analysis on their anti-racism values and to use it to prevent harm, reduce harm, repair relationships, and find moments of healing that can lead them to bring a liberated artist.

The cost of participation is pay-what-you-can!

Two dates to choose from:

Option 1: May 13th, 2023 - 12-3pm EST | 9am-12pm PST

Option 2: May 20th, 2023 - 12-3pm EST | 9am-12pm PST

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