See What I Wanna See
“See What I Wanna See”, a musical by Michael John LaChiusa, is based on three short stories by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. The story unfolds like a classical Japanese screen painting, opening each act with a prologue inspired by Kesa and Morito, a pair of fatally contentious lovers. The first act, set in 1951, follows a murder in Central Park from contradicting perspectives where everyone’s truth may be a lie. Act two centers on a priest in 2002, wavering in his faith and creating a hoax about a miracle. His ruse attracts attention; however, the result is something he hadn’t bargained for.
OOTB’s production of “See What I Wanna See” features an all-AAPI cast of actors and elements inspired by traditional Asian theater practices, bringing LaChiusa’s Americanized adaptation into conversation with the Asian-American experience.
Words and music by Michael John LaChiusa
Directed by Emilio Ramos
Music Direction by Adam Rothenberg
Choreographed by Paul McGill