
Office Hours #39: Responding to Sexual Harassment

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
12 – 1:15PM

Join us for an open discussion and interactive Q&A for BIPOC students and cultural workers about addressing sexual harassment in workplace and educational settings. In this 75 minute session, attorney Sandra Park will address sexual harassment in workplace and educational settings: what it is, what legal protections exist, and mechanisms for reporting it. The session will provide information and resources to understand the issue from its legal and systemic vantages.

Sandra Park is a Senior Staff Attorney at the national ACLU Women’s Rights Project. Sandra engages in litigation, policy advocacy, and public education at the federal, state, and local levels to advance gender equality and the rights of women and girls. Sandra has advocated for survivors of gender based violence throughout her career and currently focuses on discrimination in housing, law enforcement response, and schools. She serves as Board Chair of Girls for Gender Equity and received the 2021 Sharon L. Corbitt Award from the American Bar Association.

This is intended as a general information session. Sandra Park will not provide legal counsel to attendees.