
Multilaterals: A Radical Approach to Dance Composition for the Traumatized Bean with x

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Multilaterals: A Radical Approach to Dance Composition for the Traumatized Bean with x
Tuesday 12-1:30pm EDT

NEW weekly class offered through the COVID-19 Initiative, freeskewl
Link for all freeskewl classes:
Zoom password: 640262

In this class, we will take the approach of Creative Movement classes for youth and break down the inhibitions that prevent us from fully exploring a breadth of dance styles, at our disposal. Employing values that decolonized the violence of eurocentric dance studios in Westernized societies and the free abstraction with postmodern dance, we will gain a new approach to dance composition and choreography and think about movement in a whole new way. This class will operate under pretenses that everything is a performance and all movement can be considered dance. Targeting inner critics, toxic shame, and external authority, this lens of this class is informed and created for survivors of Complex PTSD, PTSD, and compounded trauma. Movers of various mobility range and styles, varied identities, and any and all disabilities are welcome.

x is First-Generation, Afro+Taino+Chinese-Jamaican. x is the artistic director and founder of {amdpc} AKA a performance company. company mission statement: Mission statement for {amdpc}: Everyone deserves to have their Maslow hierarchy (of needs) met, it is a human right in a westernized society founded upon settler-colonialism, not a privilege; everyone deserves to experience self-actualization, agency, and self determination. to not have to make sacrifices of health, comfort, and happiness out of desperation for basic living needs. People who are multiply marginalized by systemic oppression deserve to enjoy recreation, self care, creature comforts and access to the fun and joy currently only available and accessible to those whose prilevege stems from a close proximity to whiteness. Our goals are to uncover, unravel, and restore that in which was lost (culture, language, homes, sense of self, instincts, intuitions…) from settler-colonialism and Complex PTSD through a process of holistic wellness and multidisciplinary research; with care and value for oneself that in turn strips the inhibitions built from the white-cis-hetero-patriarchy, internal critics, external authority, and toxic shame, and therefore permits an individual to balance holding compassion and rage, with a focus on lovingkindness (Zen Buddhist values) that permeates within oneself and is received by all beings in the world surrounding us. The work of {a multi-dimensional performance company}, understands “performance”, in this context, as the multifaceted performativity of how we show up as individuals to any environment, circumstance, and relationship, and how there is a range and fluidity in which part of ourselves we show up as at any given moment. This process, in tandem with our overarching goals, functions as an imaginative grassroots practice that can lead to the dismantling of oppression and movement towards a future of world peace; focusing first, on what is within our reach: how we relate to ourselves and the living beings around us.

artistic vision statement: {a multi-dimensional performance company}, an anti-facsist grassroots community organization built on the values of decolonization with a mission of Black Liberation and Trans healing (just to name a few heavy hitters), disguised under the front of a ~cute~ postmodern dance company. {ampdc} AKA @aperformancecompany, operates under an athleticism of emotion and physical being. The stories we share are nuanced and our style of storytelling hones in on the emotions that are evoked through our physical manifestations of internal sensations. We question the reality of the human condition by channeling the double consciousness (such as W.E.B. Dubois’ critical race theory and in Brechtian theatre) utilizing the specificity of martial arts and East Asian movement meditation, and most importantly by practicing the tenderness of self care; our extensive and constant research of Complex PTSD serves as the foundation. With inspiration from Yoko Ono’s “Grapefruit”, Sigur Rós’ “Valtari” film experiment, and the effervescent, catch-all aesthetics of Meredith Monk and Laurie Anderson, we are a collective of artist-humans who are trying to make sense of the world through performative processing.

Suggested donation $1-$25, No one turned away for lack of funds
Venmo: @justx
CashApp: $cherubuirl

email us for more information on this class, our company, and other ways to collaborate or get involved at: