
LIVE Virtual Workshop: Get Shameless About Your Money!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023
1 – 2PM

As we enter a time of financial uncertainty, it’s easy to feel like you’re the one who failed, when in fact, there was no way to predict what was going to happen in the future.

“I should have prepared more…”

“I should have saved more…”

“I should have known that my job was going to fire me…”

Brunch & Budget is here to remind you that you’re not wrong, you’re not stupid, and you are not alone.

In this workshop, you will walk away:

Knowing your options: Action steps to take towards financial safety using our very own method, “5 Stages to Financial Legacy”

Understanding the system: How to identify systems that use shame and trauma to weaponize your trust

Knowing your values: Gaining agency and ownership of your own tendencies around money
Relinquishing shame and guilt of the things that you don’t have control over

We can’t be shamed if we know our options

We can’t be shamed if we understand the system

We can’t be shamed if we know who we are and what we want (our values)

Get shameless about your money 💃🏽

More about us:

BRUNCH & BUDGET is a financial planning practice. It is perfect for people who are afraid to talk about money and want someone to hold their hand while they heal their relationship with money and build wealth in a way that’s aligned with their values.

SEE CHANGE is a financial coaching & advocacy program. It is perfect for creators of color (like artists, creatives, activists, educators) who are looking to heal their relationship with money, navigate a predatory financial system, and build 2nd generation wealth in a way you can be proud of.

POCKETS CHANGE is a hip hop and finance program for youth. Reach out to us if your school or organization is looking for financial education that is engaging, community focused, and helps students understand their relationship with money along with the facts and figures.