Panel Discussion/Talk

Get Shamele$s About Your Art as a Business!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Our dreams of being writers didn’t include having to be our own accountant, bookkeeper, HR, insurance specialist, marketing, merch desk, shipping, and personal assistant too! This workshop will help you set up your writing/freelance work like a business so you can set up systems, stop overthinking, and get out of your own way.

No more starving artists. No more overproducing in the hopes one will hit different. No more burnout. Be in control of how your art fits into your budget. Defeat impostor syndrome with spreadsheets. Look at the numbers. You’re probably a small business owner already. Treat yourself like a producer instead of a product and you’ll never have to compromise your art.
* Get a formula for setting standard rates and rate floors
* Learn how to negotiate your rates and consistently raise your rates
* Learn how to use 12-month cash flow projections and get practical steps for how to track regularly
* Determine the right business structure for your work now and if/when to transition to a different structure
* Learn who needs to be on your financial team as you grow your business
* Learn strategies for how to separate your business and personal expenses at every level
* Get basics on taking care of taxes and accounting and guidance on when to hire an accountant and bookkeeper