Four Seasons in NY: Gems of Japanese Music

Friday, January 19, 2018
7 – 8:30PM

CRS & Mar Creation, Inc. invite you to discover traditional Japanese music by the acclaimed koto and shamisen player Yoko Reikano Kimura, offered together with a tea ceremony by Souheki Mori (tea master at Tea Whisk and Setsugekka). Kimura will perform four classical pieces, including Chanoyu Ondo – The Lead of Tea Ceremony, while Mori leads Shin-no-gyou daisu temae(真之行台子点前), one of the most formal and elaborate styles of tea serving that is very rarely shared in New York. There will also be a surprise musical guest! Exclusive and beautiful Japanese seasonal sweets prepared by Rin NYC will also be served.

The next concert will take place on Friday, January 19, 2018 at 7 pm at CRS. Tickets are $40 and include the tea ceremony and delicious wagashi (sweets). Seating is limited and advanced purchased (online, by phone 212-677-8621, or in person at CRS) is encouraged.

“…Yoko Reikano Kimura, playing the shamisen and singing, is superb….” — New York Times

“…Kimura’s performance on the solo shamisen was quite stunning. An elegant refined presence perfectly poised, she played with precision, beauty and the utmost confidence….” — San Francisco Examiner

After many centuries, the brilliance of traditional Japanese music is still being passed on to the present day. Come and experience the sounds of koto and shamisen and enjoy the taste of the four seasons here in New York. This concert series will feature each season’s representative traditional works along with the colorful and delicate Japanese style confectionaries.

This will be the second concert of Volume 3 of this seasonal series of music concerts called Four Seasons in New York — Gems of Japanese Music. The subsequent concerts in this season are planned for April 1 and Aug 12 of 2018 at 4 pm.



Organized by

Center for Remembering & Sharing
