Common Fetish (World Premiere)
5 – 7PM
Common Fetish builds upon Anh Vo’s ongoing research into northern Vietnamese possession rituals. The work explores the existential condition of being haunted, attempting to communicate the psychic rollercoaster of not having complete sovereignty over one’s body. Common Fetish is performed by Anh Vo, Kris Lee, Kristel Baldoz, Nile Harris, with live music accompaniment by Ethan Philbrick and installation by Kyle b. co.
“Common Fetish” is presented as part of the group exhibition “Means of Production,” organized by the newly formed curatorial collective, Lunch Hour. There will be three performances: 5pm on Sat, May 18, 2pm & 5pm on Sun, May 19.
The ticket price is $25; however, please reach out to Anh Vo via email (quocanh1211@gmail.com) if the price is too prohibitive.