Asian Americans in an Anti-Black World A Conversation with Claire Jean Kim
4 – 5:15PM
As the 2024 presidential election approaches and in the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 uprisings for Black Lives, and 2023 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, Professor Claire Jean Kim‘s Asian Americans in an Anti-Black World (Cambridge University Press, 2023) offers a historically-grounded and theoretically astute framework for analyzing and making sense of current US politics and racial formations.
Michael Dawson praises, “[a]n acute observer of the complicated racial dynamics of the twenty-first century U.S., Kim centers anti-blackness as critical for understanding the complex racial dynamics that continue to be central to shaping U.S. society and politics.”
Join for a virtual conversation on Kim’s groundbreaking book, the upcoming election, and Asian American racial positioning. Kim will be joined by Dr. Mark Tseng-Putterman (University of Pennsylvania).
This discussion is one of the marquee events on “Asian/Pacific/American Prospects,” with which they ask how A/P/A perspectives might provide compelling modes for confronting the many, proliferating crises of concern to our communities, and imagining futures beyond them.
Accessibility note: This event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. A Zoom account, internet access, and a smartphone or computer is required. Closed captioning will be provided for all audio. If you have any access needs, please email apa.rsvp@nyu.edu.
Virtual, Zoom