Adv floor work class /affordable
11 – 1PM
Dates: November 8th, 11:00am-12.30:pm
Location: 100 Grand (100 Grand St. #2 New York, NY 10013)
Contemporary - intermediate/advanced
(*Clothes that cover your shoulders, long sleeves and long pants recommended. No tank tops.)
Faustine’s class will explore different ways to approach movement and dance. It will start with various exercises to awaken the body, feel all your joints and activate all your muscles, starting with some yoga, followed by a few modern exercises into improvisation. After the warmup, Faustine will challenge you on the floor and teach you some floorwork movements that will be used in the combination taught at the end of the class. During this combo, Faustine will encourage you to play with different dynamics and rhythms, as well as exploring different qualities and textures.
Follow along yoga to wake up, stretch and strengthen the body.
Exercises to activate different muscles, engage your core, feel the floor and shift your weight such as pliés, tendus, etc.
Improvisation to explore different qualities of movement, challenge your balance, and feel the energy around you.
Challenging floorwork and then combination, that will include the floor movements taught before and play with dynamics and textures. And of course, have fun!!
Faustine Lavie was born in Toulon, France, where she started ballet at 3 years old. She then studied in different renowned dance schools such as Paris Opera Ballet School and ESDE Rosella Hightower, before moving to NYC in 2015 to attend The Ailey School, where she graduated from the Certificate Program in May 2018. Faustine had the opportunity to perform works by many choreographers, such as Darrell Grand Moultrie, Manuel Vignouille, Winston Dynamite Brown, Amy Hall Garner, Fredrick Earl Mosley, Clifton Brown and Shay Bland. She is currently a company member with iKADA Contemporary Dance Company, LaneCoArts, sarAika, The DynamitExperience, Keiko Fuji Dance Company and Six Degrees Dance. She founded Faustine Lavie Dance Project in 2020. The company has already performed in Philadelphia and NYC, including Kn) Theater at Peridance Center, Bridge For Dance, and New York City Center Studios.